Toy Example

CI Docs MIT license

The package includes a small toy example consisting of an unmatched group comparison, which should take approximately 20 seconds to run. In particular, samples in group 1 were generated under an uncorrelated CPEL model with μ1=0.9, while samples in group 2 were generated under an uncorrelated CPEL model with μ2=0.1. Thus, the example in particular consists of a region where the two groups strongly differ in mean methylation level (MML) and probability distribution of methylation (PDM), while they do not show any normalized methylation entropy (NME) difference. To run the toy example, go to the package folder and simply run julia test/toy_example.jl. CpelTdm will generate a total of 35 output files consisting of:

  • A file per sample containing MML μ (16 total).
  • A file per sample containing NME h (16 total).
  • A file per differential analysis type (3 total).

in folder test/cpeltdm/.