Main commands

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Unmatched group comparison

In order to perform an unmatched group comparison, we first need to load the package. Then, the right paths need to be specified, including paths to the reference FASTA file, given by fa below, the path to the BED file containing the regions of interest, given by bed below, and the path to each bam file for each groups, given by the bams1 & bams2 vectors below. Note that the BED file is expected to have for columns, being the first three chr, st, and end. In addition, the output directory outdir and prefix need to be defined as well. Finally, we call function cpel_tdm setting the optional argument matched equal to false, since in this case we wish to perform an unmatched group comparison. In addition, here we assume that we are using paired end sequencing data, hence we set pe=true. However, if the sequencing data were single end, we would set pe=false instead.

# Load dependencies
using Distributed
@everywhere using CpelTdm

# Set paths
dir_name = "/path/to/data/"
fa = "$(dir_name)/fasta/reference.fa"
bed = "$(dir_name)/bed/regions_of_interest.bed"
bams1 = "$(dir_name)/bam/".*["g1_s1.bam","g1_s2.bam","g1_s3.bam","g1_s4.bam"]
bams2 = "$(dir_name)/bam/".*["g2_s1.bam","g2_s2.bam","g2_s3.bam","g2_s4.bam","g2_s5.bam"]

# Output paths
prefix = "cpeltdm"
outdir = "$(dir_name)/cpeltdm-unmatched/"

# Run matched analysis

If you wish to run CpelTdm on a cluster, we recommend you store the previous code into a file, say cpeltdm_unmatched_call.jl. Then, in the submission script you can execute the content of this file using the command julia -p 10 cpeltdm_unmatched_call.jl, which will execute the code providing CpelTdm with 10 CPUs to perform the analysis.

Matched group comparison

In order to perform an matched group comparison we need to follow the same steps as in the unmatched group comparison as far as the paths go. In this case, however, CpelTdm assumes that the i-th sample in bams1 matches that of bams2. Finally, we call function cpel_tdm setting the optional argument matched equal to true, since in this case we wish to perform a matched group comparison. In addition, here we assume that we are using paired end sequencing data, hence we set pe=true.

# Load dependencies
using Distributed
@everywhere using CpelTdm

# Set paths
dir_name = "/path/to/data/"
fa = "$(dir_name)/fasta/reference.fa"
bed = "$(dir_name)/bed/regions_of_interest.bed"
bams1 = "$(dir_name)/bam/".*["g1_s1.bam","g1_s2.bam","g1_s3.bam","g1_s4.bam","g1_s5.bam"]
bams2 = "$(dir_name)/bam/".*["g2_s1.bam","g2_s2.bam","g2_s3.bam","g2_s4.bam","g2_s5.bam"]

# Output paths
prefix = "cpeltdm"
outdir = "$(dir_name)/cpeltdm-matched/"

# Run matched analysis

Similar to the unmatched case, if you wish to run CpelTdm on a cluster, we recommend you store the previous code into a file, say cpeltdm_matched_call.jl. Then, in the submission script you can execute the content of this file using the command julia -p 10 cpeltdm_matched_call.jl, which will execute the code providing CpelTdm with 10 CPUs to perform the analysis.